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DIGITEC Transfer

The operation aims to boost the regional innovation ecosystem, promoting the digitization of companies in line with the strategy of the Digital Innovation Hub, and stimulating the transfer of technology and knowledge from the SCTN Entities of the Algarve Region to companies.


Hugo Barros
Universidade do Algarve
Campus das Penha
8005-139 Faro

Contact Person
POINT (-7.922998 37.029716)

Certified modular training

Certified modular training, namely, for workers in micro and small companies.


Certified modular training project in strategic areas of the socio-economic fabric of the Algarve region, aimed at active employees. A project focused on the professional qualification of active employees, enhancing their employability, maintaining their level of employment, by increasing their adaptability, via the development and reinforcement of the technical, relational and social skills required by the labor market.

Contact Person

Projeto de Internacionalização do Algarve Tech Hub

The Project Internationalization of Algarve Tech Hub is the result from the partnership between the Algarve Evolution Association, the Algarve Tourism Association (ATA), the Algarve Tourism Region (RTA) and the University of the Algarve (UALG), and it aims to support the expansion of regional companies in the technology sector.

An initiative cofinanced under the approval of application nº ALG-02-0752-FEDER-072019, to the Support System for Collective Actions – Internationalization, of the Regional Operational Program of the Algarve.
